COVID screening for visitors, employees and vendors.
Convenient touchless check-in collects data for contact tracing after screening
Contactless Check-in
Visitors check-in on their own device using a QR Code, visiting a URL or sending an SMS. Contactless visitor sign in makes it easy by placing our provided dynamic QR code on existing signage, loading our system on a tablet, or printing a provided predesigned PDF. See how it works »
Prescreening Questions
Utilize our 100% customizeable pre or post screening tool to let visitors know you take COVID seriously and anything else you may want them to know. Optionally require a response for a digital acceptance of terms before or after checking in.
Monitor and Act
Monitor activity on a location basis to make sure crowds are minimal. In the unfortunate event of potential COVID-19 exposure, simply search by day/time of the group you wish to notify and export visitor information of those effected.

Pre-screen Visitors · Contactless Check-in · COVID Contact Tracing Solution · Multi-site Capacity Visualization
Use Autonix
Ways To Implement
- Place QR Code on entry signage for contactless check-in
- Empower your receptionist to enforce check-in/out information to aide in contact tracing
- Implement up-to-date prescreening language with self-attestation
- Establish digital papertrail for all visitors and employees
Build a COVID Safe environtment
Autonix is built to provide granular details on all of the visitor activity at your location by allowing visitors to easily check-in on their own device. Harness this information to layer in a COVID-safe strategy, starting with a prescreening questionairre (with digital signature) before allowing visitors on the premises, followed by enforcing check-in and check-outs.
Visualize, Optimize and React
Utilize the Autonix Dashboard to provide real-time activity on a location-specific or aggregate view, understand time onsite and peak visit times, and in the unfortunate event of a known exposure, mine the data best suited for creating a contact list to let people know they should be tested.
How will you address
the need for COVID safety?
Implement COVID safety protocols for visitors, employees and vendors with contactless solutions by Autonix.