From Scan To Submission Drive Customers Exactly Where They Should Be.

Our array of engagement types and dynamic solutions cover various needs, each designed to enhance user experience and operational efficiency.

Scan To URL

The most common use of our QR Code Generator. Create a Dynamic QR Code to automatically redirect to any URL. Autonix tracks QR Code Scans / Clicks to monitor performance. It's dynamic so you can change the endpoint at any time!

Create QR Code

ConnectCard is an Advanced customizable digital business card, allowing for the immediate exchange of information from the scan of a QR Code. Sales organizations big and small love the instant introduction feature unique to Autonix.

Create QR Code
Hosted Files

Upload files directly to Autonix making them accessible by a QR Code scan, complete with scan analytics and reporting. A direct link to documents, images, or other media stored online. Allow users to download or view the hosted files instantly.

Create QR Code
Link List

Customize a landing page with dedicated links, images and videos. An easy way to share multiple pieces of information after the scan of a QR Code. Great for product information, training, events and more.

Create QR Code
Landing Pages

Make any QR Code "data rich." Collect visitor data before heading to any web destination including name, email, phone and more. Prompt additional information or questions. Monitor key performance metrics like impressions, conversions and form completions.

Create QR Code
Check-In System

Implement a light weight on-site contactless visitor check-in solution with the scan of a QR Code. Scan again to check-out. Monitor the coming/going of employees, vendors and visitors to an address or event.

Create QR Code
Trackable vCARDs

Easily share your personal or business credentials at the scan of a QR Code with a vCard, a great modern adornment to a business card or any advertisement. Like everything on Autonix, they are trackable and dynamic.

Create QR Code
WIFI Login / Credentials

Enhance visitor experiences, make hard to remember passwords easy to access, and save employee time by sharing the WIFI credentials at the scan of a dynamic QR Code.

Create QR Code
Free QR Code

As a basic offering we allow anyone (no account required) to create a simple static code with our Free QR Code Generator with Logo.

Create QR Code

All Autonix QR Codes are fully trackable. This feature allows you to gain valuable insights into user interactions, enhancing your strategies and decision-making processes. Whether you're aiming to optimize marketing campaigns or improve operational workflows, our trackable QR codes offer the data you need to succeed.

Embrace the multifaceted capabilities of Autonix QR Codes. Each type is crafted with precision, ensuring that you have the right tool for every requirement. Explore our range and discover how our QR codes can revolutionize your approach to connectivity and information sharing.

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What are Dynamic QR Codes?

Dynamic QR codes provide creators with the ability to change the code's functionality at any time, without needing to change the original code. In contrast, static QR codes are a fixed representation of the initial creation, and the only way to make any changes is to physically replace the code with a new one. While static free QR codes have the advantage of being unchangeable, this feature may not be suitable for all customers. If a change is needed later, replacing a static QR codes can be challenging, especially if it has already been printed. At Autonix, all our QR codes are dynamic and trackable, ensuring maximum flexibility and ease of use.

How do I create a Dynamic QR Code?

To create a dynamic QR code, you can use Autonix's user-friendly platform. As all Autonix QR codes are dynamic, simply create a new Autonix Tracker, customize your QR code, and download a PNG, SVG, or EPS version of the QR code using our QR code generator. Once someone scans your new QR code, they will be routed through our platform to determine the configured behavior, such as visiting your website or our hosted landing pages. With Autonix, there is no need to replace the QR code if you need to change its behavior later. Simply log in to your Autonix account and update the behavior, and it will instantly change all future scans. Creating and updating dynamic QR codes has never been easier than with Autonix.

Why Are Other QR Code Generators Free?

Using a free QR code generator may seem like a good idea initially, but it often results in static QR codes that cannot be modified. With static QR codes, all the information required to function is embedded in the code itself. Therefore, if any information needs to be changed, a new QR code has to be created and distributed. Moreover, some QR code generators that claim to be free may suddenly stop working or prompt users to pay for services that were not previously advertised.

At Autonix, we specialize in creating trackable dynamic QR codes with our QR code generator. Our dynamic QR codes allow users to create and distribute a single QR code that is always modifiable and trackable. Dynamic/trackable QR codes require a server to communicate with, which is why our service has a cost associated with it. With Autonix's QR code tracker, you can easily modify the behavior of the QR code, and it will be updated in real-time, ensuring a seamless experience for users. In addition we offer many unique post-scan experiences such as landing pages, forms, lists of links and more.

What are the most common uses of dynamic QR Codes?

Dynamic QR codes are a type of QR code that can be edited and customized after they have been printed or displayed. They are often used in marketing and advertising campaigns, as they allow businesses to quickly and easily update the information or content that is associated with the QR code. Some common uses for dynamic QR codes include:

Track and Analyze Campaign Performance

Dynamic QR codes allow you to track the number of scans and the location of the scans, providing valuable data for analyzing the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Update Information in Real-Time

Dynamic QR codes enable you to provide the most current information to users, such as a menu at a restaurant or the schedule of events at a conference, ensuring they always have the latest information.

Personalize the User Experience

Dynamic QR codes can be used to provide personalized information or experiences to users based on their location or other factors, delivering a customized experience that resonates with them.

Create a Call-to-Action

Dynamic QR codes can be used to encourage users to take a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter or following a brand on social media, boosting engagement and conversions.

Redirect Users to Different Content

Dynamic QR codes can be used to redirect users to different content or pages based on the context in which the QR code is scanned. This enables you to tailor the user experience and deliver more relevant content to your audience.

Collect Information Before Sharing

Create a gatekeeper before allowing access to information by requiring users to provide their name, email,or phone number. This feature helps you collect valuable data about your audience while also ensuring that only qualified leads receive your content.